Solution 7 - Release Notes ========================== v 4.12.8972 - 25 July 2024 Updated: Refresh Locked Cells performance improvements. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.12.8964 - 17 July 2024 NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Missing fields on Transaction, Transaction Accounting Line and Transaction Line tables in Choose Columns dialog (NetSuite2). v 4.12.8957 - 10 July 2024 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.12.8950 - 03 July 2024 Fixed: HRESULT error when inserting a list into a merged cell. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: 'Account Currency' for Advanced Balance functions via 'Result Basis' (NetSuite2). Fixed: 'Estimated Cost (Transaction Currency)' field missing from 'Transaction Lines' in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.12.8943 - 26 June 2024 Fixed: Lookup dialog not highlighting previously selected value. Fixed: Improved stability for Pivot Table right click menu. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.12.8936 - 19 June 2024 Fixed: Improved stability for Pivot Tables. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Custom relationships not appearing in Choose Columns dialog for Class, Department and Location lists. v 4.12.8922 - 05 June 2024 Fixed: 'There is a problem with this formula' error when entering an argument which is 250 characters in length on the List Arguments dialog. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: 'Subaccount of' relationship to accounts in Choose Columns dialog (NetSuite2). Added: Support for NetSuite2 data source. v 4.12.8915 - 29 May 2024 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Drill Compare only comparing the first function (NetSuite2 Preview). v 4.12.8908 - 22 May 2024 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: Period lookup function (NetSuite2 Preview). Fixed: Advanced balance functions incorrectly showing zero when filtering by entity (NetSuite2 Preview). Fixed: Budget Upload failing when mapped to a custom segment with more than 1000 values. v 4.12.8901 - 15 May 2024 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: Account lookup function (NetSuite2 Preview). Fixed: Balance functions throwing 'Error getting the literal value of right operand' if Multiple Currencies feature is not enabled in NetSuite (NetSuite2 Preview). v 4.12.8894 - 08 May 2024 Fixed: HRESULT error when refreshing a workbook containing a non Solution 7 pivot table. Fixed: 'Invalid Base-64 string' error when activating or configuring Solution 7 with corrupt user credentials. v 4.12.8887 - 01 May 2024 Fixed: External Exception when using the lookup button to select multiple items. Fixed: Excel freezes after deleting an invalid list and re-inserting it. Added: Refresh warning if workbook contains an invalid list. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: Class lookup function (NetSuite2 Preview). Added: Department lookup function (NetSuite2 Preview). Added: Location lookup function (NetSuite2 Preview). Added: Item lookup function (NetSuite2 Preview). Added: Employee lookup function (NetSuite2 Preview). Added: Vendor lookup function (NetSuite2 Preview). Added: 'Transactions - Aged' pivot table (NetSuite2 Preview). v 4.12.8873 - 17 April 2024 Fixed: Excel PivotTable 'Clear All' option causing Solution 7 pivot tables to lose underlying connection. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Subitem of' relationship missing from 'Items' in Choose Columns dialog. Added: Subsidiary lookup function (NetSuite2 Preview). Added: Customer lookup function (NetSuite2 Preview). Updated: Performance improvement for 'Transactions - Posted' pivot table (NetSuite2 Preview). v 4.12.8866 - 10 April 2024 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.12.8859 - 03 April 2024 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.12.8852 - 27 March 2024 Added: Insert Popup into multiple cells. Added: Refresh 'selected' sheets. Added: Refresh Locked Cells. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: Transactions Aged Pivot supports 'Transaction Currency'. Added: 'All' type relationships in 'Choose Columns' (Accounts Only). Added: Extra exchange rates for Advanced Balance & Advanced Budget functions via 'Result Basis'. Added: Support for NetSuite2 data source (Preview). Updated: Budget Upload performance improvement for large spreadsheets (up to 10x). Updated: SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services endpoint now 2023.1 (Requires Token Based Authentication). Issue: Not currently compatible with 'Web Services Only' roles. v 4.11.8852 - 27 March 2024 Updated: Automation performance improvements. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Invalid LIKE syntax error when inserting a Transaction pivot table. v 4.11.8845 - 20 March 2024 Added: New Digital Signature issued by GlobalSign. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Account' relationship missing from 'Transactions - Aged' in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8817 - 21 February 2024 NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Error after adding Transaction Line Amount to 'Transactions - Aged' pivot table. Fixed: 'Sales Rep' relationship missing from Transactions in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8803 - 7 February 2024 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Serial/Lot Numbers' relationship missing from Inventory Snapshot in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8796 - 31 January 2024 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8789 - 24 January 2024 Fixed: 'Invalid URI: The URI is empty' when running automation. v 4.11.8776 - 11 January 2024 Fixed: Automation output sheets incorrectly named. NetSuite Version ---------------- Updated: Performance improvements for 'Transactions - Aged' pivot table. v 4.11.8740 - 6 December 2023 NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Advanced Balance/Budget functions may be unable to apply currency conversion when using a subsidiary restricted role. v 4.11.8733 - 29 November 2023 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8726 - 22 November 2023 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8712 - 08 November 2023 Fixed: 'A task was cancelled' error when inserting a new List/Pivot after previous cancellation. Fixed: List/Pivot parameters referencing a range appear as multiple values when editing. Fixed: 'Attempt to read or write to protected memory' error when refreshing a List/Pivot. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8700 - 27 October 2023 Fixed: Solution 7 Ribbon tab not appearing in Excel version 2310. v 4.11.8677 - 04 October 2023 Updated: Performance improvements for Detail Pivot Tables. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Include Inactive' parameters on lists not automatically surrounding text values with quotes. v 4.11.8670 - 27 September 2023 Fixed: Refreshing a pivot table that has been copy and pasted loses the connection on the source pivot table. v 4.11.8656 - 13 September 2023 NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Exclude values(s)' filter on lookup functions does not support multiple values. v 4.11.8649 - 06 September 2023 NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Lead Source' relationship missing from Transactions in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8628 - 16 August 2023 Fixed: Formulas stuck on #N/A when using 'Refresh on Activate' option. Fixed: List/Pivot parameters containing multiple values appear empty when editing. Fixed: 'Cannot find column 0' error when refreshing list. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Represents Subsidiary' relationship missing from Customers in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8614 - 02 August 2023 Updated: Performance improvements when saving large workbooks. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Updated: Performance improvements when reporting across multiple subsidiaries. Fixed: 'Represents Subsidiary' relationship missing from Vendors in Choose Columns dialog. Dream Version ------------- Now available. v 4.11.8607 - 26 July 2023 Updated: Performance improvements when running large workbooks on PCs with less than 12 logical processors. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8586 - 05 July 2023 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8579 - 28 June 2023 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Transactions - Posted Pivot missing 'Paired Intercompany Transaction' relationship in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8565 - 14 June 2023 Fixed: Compatibility issues when using customised "English (United States)" Regional format. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8551 - 31 May 2023 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8544 - 24 May 2023 Fixed: List argument resolving to '#VALUE!' for arrays larger than 255 characters. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSGLABUD inconsistently applying global budget exchange rates when consolidating subsidiaries. v 4.11.8537 - 17 May 2023 Fixed: 'Invalid SELECT statement' error when pressing 'Lookup' for a Filter column on the List Arguments dialog. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8530 - 10 May 2023 Fixed: Error when opening Choose Columns dialog if Excel sheet name contains an apostrophe. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8509 - 19 April 2023 Fixed: Functions referenced in a formula column incorrectly return text. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: #VALUE when workbook contains many lookup functions. v 4.11.8495 - 05 April 2023 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Is Adjustment' for Accounting Period missing from Choose Columns dialog. Fixed: Inconsistent ordering of Accounting Periods. v 4.11.8488 - 29 March 2023 Fixed: Editing a list or pivot table shows cell references incorrectly formatted in R1C1 reference style for some international versions of Excel. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8481 - 22 March 2023 Fixed: Pop-up list buttons slow to appear in large workbooks. Updated: Improved responsiveness opening 'Define Automation' dialog in large workbooks. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8474 - 15 March 2023 Updated: Improved responsiveness when deleting lists in large workbooks. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Transactions - Aged Pivot missing Accounting Period relationship. v 4.11.8467 - 08 March 2023 Fixed: Lookup button on Function Arguments dialog not appearing in some scenarios. Updated: Improved responsiveness when working with large workbooks with a high volume of names. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8460 - 01 March 2023 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8453 - 22 February 2023 Fixed: Lookup issues with Arguments Dialog in some international versions of Excel/Windows. Fixed: Pop-up lists can cause unnecessary saves when Auto Save is enabled in Excel. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Advanced Balance (Non-posting) Functions incorrectly including memorized transactions. v 4.11.8439 - 08 February 2023 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8426 - 26 January 2023 Fixed: Arguments dialog not using international list separator. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Unable to choose 'Reversal Transaction' in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8419 - 19 January 2023 Fixed: Excel not saving workbooks following Office update (Excel Version 2212 - Jan 4th). Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8390 - 21 December 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Empty Drilldown on Advanced Balance/Budget function when using an 'Option' without a value. v 4.11.8376 - 07 December 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Drilldown for Advanced Balance/Budget functions on cells which contain multiple functions. v 4.11.8369 - 30 November 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Unable to find Customer or Item for a list of Budgets via Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8362 - 23 November 2022 Fixed: Unable to scroll horizontally on lookup/pop-up dialog. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Unable to choose 'Payment Method' in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8348 - 09 November 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Unable to choose 'Source Subsidiary' in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8341 - 02 November 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8334 - 26 October 2022 Fixed: HRESULT error when running automation. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8320 - 12 October 2022 Fixed: Intermittent Null Reference Exception for Parameter Lookups. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8313 - 05 October 2022 Fixed: Automation incorrectly hiding sheets. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Not found error when choosing 'Conversion from lead date' column on Customer table via Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8306 - 28 September 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Unable to find Class, Department or Location for a list of Employees via Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8292 - 14 September 2022 Updated: Automation output sheets are copied together to preserve references. v 4.11.8271 - 24 August 2022 Updated: Automation waits longer for formulas to resolve in all output sheets. v 4.11.8264 - 17 August 2022 Fixed: 'Real time data servers have been disabled' Excel Security Warning. Updated: List refresh performance. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Unable to choose 'Job Type' in Choose Columns dialog. v 4.11.8243 - 27 July 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8236 - 20 July 2022 Fixed: Lock formulas within an Excel table copies down same value from the first cell. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8229 - 13 July 2022 Fixed: 'Send Test Email' button on configuration dialog missing on high DPI screens. Fixed: Lookup button on Arguments dialog not enabled for filter columns. Fixed: Error 'Select method of Worksheet class failed' when clicking 'Show Automation Sheet'. Fixed: Delete button on Configuration dialog deletes wrong connection. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8216 - 30 June 2022 Fixed: Pivot table formula columns not working when referencing another column. v 4.11.8215 - 29 June 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Lookup functions return '0' for empty field values. Fixed: 'Related Document No.' for Transaction missing from Choose Columns dialog. (Also known as PO # or Check #) v 4.11.8208 - 22 June 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8201 - 15 June 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Advanced Balance/Budget functions incorrectly returning 0 when using a non-consolidated Accounting Book. Fixed: Unable to find Expense Categories via Choose Columns on Transaction Pivot Tables. v 4.11.8194 - 08 June 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: #SPILL returned by lookup functions when using Consolidated Subsidiary. v 4.11.8187 - 01 June 2022 Fixed: Slow to delete row(s) when worksheet contains many locked formulas. v 4.11.8180 - 25 May 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8173 - 18 May 2022 Fixed: List values move down the worksheet when updating. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8159 - 04 May 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Advanced Balance functions incorrectly returning 0 when using Quantity Result Basis. v 4.11.8152 - 27 April 2022 Fixed: 'Key not valid for use in specified state' error on Activation. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8138 - 13 April 2022 Fixed: Unable to refresh a list when next to an Excel table. Fixed: Hidden referenced sheets not being copied into Automation output. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Object not set to an instance of an object' error when closing Map Worksheet dialog. v 4.11.8124 - 30 March 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: 'Quantity' option to 'Result Basis' for Advanced Balance functions. v 4.11.8119 - 25 March 2022 Fixed: Solution 7.xla flagged by Microsoft Defender's Attack Surface Rule (ASR) - 'Block Win32 API calls from Office macros'. Updated: Performance improvements to the lookup/pop-up dialog. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.11.8110 - 16 March 2022 Added: Exclude Zero Suppression range. Added: Zero Suppression quick set. Fixed: Failed to verify signature of .NET installer. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: New functions - Advanced Balances - Advanced Balances (by Date) - Advanced Balances (Non-posting) - Advanced Balances (Non-posting by Date) - Advanced Balances (Statistical) - Advanced Balances (Statistical by Date) - Advanced Budgets - Advanced Budgets (Statistical) - NetSuite Currencies Added: Linked Transactions (Next/Previous). Added: Transaction Type parameter to 'Transactions - Posted' pivot. Added: 'Committed Count' to 'Inventory Snapshot' pivot. Added: Support for SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Version 8.10.143. Fixed: OpenAccess SDK disk cache error. Deprecated: BETA functions. v 4.10.8110 - 16 March 2022 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: Support for SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Version 8.10.143. v 4.10.8096 - 02 March 2022 Fixed: Failed to verify signature of .NET installer. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7991 - 17 November 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: "None" missing from the Customer list. v 4.10.7984 10 November 2021 Fixed: HRESULT error when locking/unlocking long formulas. Fixed: "A task was canceled" error when closing Excel after starting a drilldown. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7963 - 20 October 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Updated: Performance improvements to lookup functions (NSACCOUNT, NSCLASS, NSCUSTOMER etc). Fixed: Transaction to Employee relationship missing in Choose Columns. Fixed: Arithmetic Overflow Exception when using Transactions Aged Pivot. v 4.10.7949 - 06 October 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Cannot choose 'Transaction Ref.' from Choose Columns once removed. v 4.10.7935 - 22 September 2021 Fixed: Automation throws confusing error when referencing a protected sheet. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7928 - 15 September 2021 Fixed: Access denied error when changing username or password when configuration file is read-only. v 4.10.7921 - 08 September 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7907 - 25 August 2021 Fixed: Index was out of range error when opening automation save dialog. Fixed: Automation Output offset by 1 when there are more than 9 cells to automate. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Memorized Transactions appearing in NSGLABAL and NSGLABAL.BETA. SFA Version ----------- Fixed: COM exception thrown when creating a chart if sheet name contains apostrophe. v 4.10.7893 - 11 August 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7879 - 28 July 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Transactions - Aged Pivot running slowly when choosing a single Subsidiary. v 4.10.7865 - 14 July 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7858 - 07 July 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7844 - 23 Jun 2021 Fixed: "Locking cell values failed" error when Excel filtering applied. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7823 - 02 Jun 2021 NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Transaction No.' column missing from choose columns dialog. v 4.10.7817 - 27 May 2021 Fixed: "Could not load file or assembly 'Polly'" error after upgrading to 4.10.7816. v 4.10.7816 - 26 May 2021 Fixed: Automation not finishing when applying zero suppression. Fixed: "Invoke or BeginInvoke" error when editing a list using the List and Table manager. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: 'Revenue Recognition Start Date' column missing from choose columns dialog for 'Transactions - Posted' pivot. v 4.10.7809 - 19 May 2021 Fixed: Excel permanently saving when AutoSave enabled and pop-up is selected as the active cell. Fixed: "Cannot find folder" error when running save automation to synced OneDrive folder. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7795 - 05 May 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSGLABAL - Slow detail drill down. v 4.10.7760 - 31 March 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7753 - 24 March 2021 Fixed: Zero Suppression not working when using save sheets on automation and not dropping formulas. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7746 - 17 March 2021 Fixed: Grouped data is ungrouped after refreshing a sheet. Fixed: Unlocking a sheet that has Excel filtering applied causes formulas to shift to different cells. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7732 - 03 March 2021 Fixed: Error 'HRESULT: 0x800A03EC' when locking formulas. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7725 - 24 February 2021 Fixed: "File could not be accessed" error when running email automation. Fixed: "Unable to cast object" error when running email automation. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7718 - 17 February 2021 Fixed: Evaluator type initializer could not load file or assembly. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7711 - 10 February 2021 Fixed: Refreshing a worksheet with a zero suppression defined throws 'Sequence contains no elements' error. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Transactions - Posted Pivot returning incorrect Hierarchy Levels. v 4.10.7704 - 03 February 2021 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Transactions - Aged Pivot returning #VALUE in predefined formula columns (eg. Aged 1-30, Aged 31-60 etc). Fixed: Transactions - Aged Pivot doubling values when adjustment period selected. Fixed: Posting a budget incorrectly picks up cells that are not specified when a non-contiguous range has been defined (eg. 'A1:A5, A8:A12'). v 4.10.7676 - 06 January 2021 Fixed: Cell formatting issue when choosing a text column from a list. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7662 - 23 December 2020 Fixed: Automation dropping formulas that reference tables. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7635 - 26 November 2020 Fixed: Row lists fail to insert/update when Windows is using an alternate list separator. Updated: Reliablity of right click menu appearing. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Posting a budget with value '- None -' returns a 'NOT FOUND' error. Fixed: NSACCOUNT returns #VALUE when using a filter/return field from a related table. Updated: Improve merged cell support for budget mappings. v 4.10.7620 - 11 November 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSACCOUNT returning incorrect value when 'Include Children' has been set. v 4.10.7606 - 28 October 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7606 - 28 October 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7585 - 07 October 2020 Fixed: Error when using formula column with a long expression. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Transaction Aged PivotTable showing 'Cancelled' transactions. Fixed: Non-Posting Transaction PivotTable excluding Non-Posting Accounts. v 4.10.7543 - 26 August 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Activate fails on Italian language version of Windows. Dream Edition ------------- Fixed: Budget Import Sheet not completing. v 4.10.7536 - 19 August 2020 Fixed: "The given key was not present in the dictionary" error when refreshing a list with a blank column. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: Support for SWITCH function in formula columns. v 4.10.7523 - 06 August 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Unable to activate if NetSuite Account No starts with a 0. v 4.10.7508 - 22 July 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7494 - 08 July 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Incorrect value when locking formulas in table. v 4.10.7480 - 24 June 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7466 - 10 June 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NGGLABAL.DATE.BETA transaction drill-down showing 0 for accounts using current general rate type. v 4.10.7445 - 20 May 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Object Reference Exception when attempting Budget Upload. v 4.10.7403 - 08 April 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7396 - 01 April 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7382 - 18 March 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7354 - 19 February 2020 Fixed: Failure to unlock forumla in Office 365 when prefixed with @ symbol. v 4.10.7340 - 05 February 2020 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7284 - 11 December 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.10.7277 - 4 December 2019 Added: Sheet naming improvement in Automation. Added: Ability to cancel a refresh from the ribbon. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: New managed NetSuite Bundle. Added: Support for NetSuite Web Services 2019.1. Added: Support for Webservice url discovery. Added: Support for Multi-Subsidiary Customers / Vendors. Updated: Lists moved from BETA. Updated: "Inventory" PivotTable renamed to "Inventory Snapshot". Fixed: Slow Period lookup in NetSuite OneWorld. Fixed: NSGLABAL incorrectly returning 0 when using Year / Quarter periods. Removed: Support for SuiteAnalytics Connect ODBC driver v7. v 4.9.7284 - 11 December 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7277 - 4 December 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7263 - 20 November 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7235 - 23 October 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7228 - 16 October 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7221 - 09 October 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSGLABUD returning budgets for secondary accounting books. v 4.9.7214 - 02 October 2019 Fixed: Error refreshing adjacent lists. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7207 - 25 September 2019 Fixed: Formula column incorrectly aggregates blank rows in pivot tables. Fixed: HResult error when unlocking formulas and the value contains brackets. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Solution 7 failed to activate - No such file or directory. Added: Support for SuiteAnalytics Connect ODBC driver version 8.10. v 4.9.7200 - 18 September 2019 Fixed: Incorrect function result when an argument references an array with values that contain a comma. Fixed: Pivot Table slicers are removed after running automation from worksheets that are only output once. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7165 - 14 August 2019 Fixed: ArgumentException on List Arguments screen when clicking RefEdit button. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7158 - 07 August 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7152 - 01 August 2019 Fixed: Error getting row number for Excel Reference. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7144 - 24 July 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Detail Pivots not refreshing when using a workbook created in a version earlier than 4.9. v 4.9.7137 - 17 July 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7130 - 10 July 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Intermittent 'timeout' error when uploading budgets. v 4.9.7123 - 03 July 2019 Fixed: Intermittent 'Object reference not set' error on activation. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: Vendor relationship to Transactions - Aged Pivot. v 4.9.7116 - 26 June 2019 NetSuite Version ---------------- Updated: Changed NetSuite Url and Web Services Url parameter defaults in preparation for proxy switch off. v 4.9.7109 - 19 June 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Standard NSGLAQTY.DATE.BETA returns #VALUE. v 4.9.7095 - 05 June 2019 Fixed: Error inserting list with a long list of selected values. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: Perfomance improvements to NSGLABUD and NSGLBUD.BETA functions. v 4.9.7081 - 22 May 2019 Fixed: Exception thrown when removing a list that has an excel filter turned on. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7053 - 24 April 2019 Fixed: 'Document Not Saved' error when automating worksheets containing slicers. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7039 - 10 April 2019 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.9.7018 - 20 March 2019 Added: Multi-selection in Popup lists. Added: List and function support text-based arrays returned by Multi-selection Popup. Added: Removed 'Include Lists & Tables' from refresh confirmation dialog (see below). Added: Added 'Refresh Mode' to list properties. Added: Warn if the license is due to expire within the next 30 days. Fixed: Dates in lists not showing in the correct date format. Fixed: When running automation on a multi-cell popup, not all cells update. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: Enforce Subsidiary security in NetSuite OneWorld. Added: Upload budget values to custom segments defined as 'GL IMPACT' and with 'Application & Sourcing' -> 'Other Record Types' -> 'Budget Import' enabled. Added: Drill down by Entity. Added: Include Entity column in Transaction detail drill down. Added: New BETA Inventory report. Added: Add Lead & Prospect to Entity Type parameter. Fixed: Drill Down on NSGLABAL.BETA does not filter by Transaction Type. Fixed: Transaction type parameter on 'Transaction Details - Non posting' pivot does not work with wildcards. Fixed: NSXRATE function returning incorrect value. Fixed: Budget Upload error 'Unable to cast object of Type System.Double to type System.String' when entering Upload dialog. v 4.8.6997 - 27 February 2019 Fixed: Index out of range exception when removing filter columns from a pivot table. Fixed: Pluralization error on activating or configuring when using non English version of Excel. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6976 - 06 February 2019 Fixed: List and table manager - index out of range error. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Budget Upload not pushing values from a merged cell. v 4.8.6969 - 30 January 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6962 - 23 January 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6955 - 16 January 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Incorrect period shown in detail drilldown for budget functions (NSGLABUD, NSGLNBUD, NSGLTBUD). v 4.8.6948 - 09 January 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6927 - 19 December 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6913 - 05 December 2018 Fixed: #VALUE when using non UK format in a date parameter. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: #VALUE when using a Fiscal Year or Quarter in a Period parameter. Fixed: Hyperlinks in Transaction Detail DrillDown not working for all Transaction Types. Fixed: Uploading a budget with a 'Non-inventory Item for Sale' Item throws 'Item Record Type Invalid' error. v 4.8.6906 - 28 November 2018 Updated: Ribbon icons of Column / Row Lists. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Account, Class, Department and Location parameters in Transactions - Aged Pivot. v 4.8.6892 - 14 November 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6878 - 31 October 2018 Fixed: Automation settings not saving. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6871 - 24 October 2018 Fixed: Formulas not filling down to match adjacent lists during automation. Fixed: Automation not finishing after selecting 'Leave Formulas' in options. v 4.8.6864 - 17 October 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6850 - 03 October 2018 Fixed: Lists not always updating on cell value change when their refresh mode had been set to automatic. Fixed: Extra blanks inserted at the beginning of lists on update. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6843 - 26 September 2018 Fixed: Pivot table formula columns being formatted as dates when there are errors in the results. Fixed: Parameter Lookup doesn't always load for functions with lots of parameters. Fixed: Parameter Lookup not pre-selecting multiple values that have been previously selected. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6822 - 05 September 2018 Fixed: NullReferenceException on cell change when a lists refresh mode has been changed to manual. Dream Version ------------- Fixed: Refresh Workbook incorrectly returns zero when mixing case of parameters. v 4.8.6815 - 29 August 2018 Fixed: HResult error when unlocking workbook. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6801 - 15 August 2018 Fixed: Filling formulas not working when updating horizontal lists. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6794 - 08 August 2018 Fixed: Subtotals not being preserved when an item is added or deleted from a list. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Manual budget records may be overwritten if using custom segments on existing records. v 4.8.6787 - 01 August 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Empty Amount column on Transaction Detail drill down when custom Amount column added to Transaction. Fixed: 'USER_ERROR (1290) - Inconsistent values...' when uploading budgets to NetSuite. v 4.8.6775 - 20 July 2018 Fixed: Incorrect list separator when selecting multiple values from a lookup using the Swedish version of Excel. Added: Support for international list seperators. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Error when using lookup button on Class / Department / Location. v 4.8.6766 - 11 July 2018 Fixed: Object reference error on refreshing workbook when zero suppression range outside used range. Fixed: NSGLBAL returns 0 instead of #VALUE! when parameter evaluation fails. Updated: General bug fixes. Dream Version ------------- Fixed: 'Invalid object name' error when Inserting List. v 4.8.6752 - 27 June 2018 Fixed: Add-in manager's force close dialog will close all user's excel processes when ran on a Terminal server. Fixed: Switching window whilst editing PivotTable causes error. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6745 - 20 June 2018 Fixed: Zero Suppression not applied when triggered from cell changes. Fixed: Default return field and filter field values for lookup functions. Fixed: Validation on activation for files with mixed case file extensions. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6738 - 13 June 2018 Fixed: Error on List Refresh - 'An item with the same key...'. Fixed: Error on Unlocking - 'Value cannot be null'. Fixed: Error on Locking - 'Out of present range'. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSGLABAL incorrect multi-book balances - NetSuite Defect 467777: Consolidated exchange rates. v 4.8.6731 - 06 June 2018 Fixed: Error on Activation - 'An item with the same key...'. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSGLTBAL drill-down doesn't match function value when passing multiple values (array of values). v 4.8.6724 - 30 May 2018 Fixed: HRESULT error refreshing PivotTable when using automation. v 4.8.6719 - 25 May 2018 Fixed: Drill Down menu not showing any items in 64-bit version. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSGLABAL.BETA by Customer returns 0 for '- None -'. v 4.8.6710 - 16 May 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.8.6708 - 14 May 2018 NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: TLS Handshake Failure on Activation. v 4.8.6697 - 03 May 2018 Added: Support for custom formula columns in PivotTables. Added: Improved support for High DPI Scaling. Updated: Performance improvements to Automation Engine. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSGLxBUD functions not correctly honoring Global budget flag on Budget Category Added: Budget Upload - Support for uploading by Project and Item. Added: Budget Upload - Support for up to 24 periods. Added: BETA - Age of Debt PivotTable. Added: BETA - Non-posting PivotTable (Sales Orders, Purchase Orders). Added: BETA functions included by default. Added: Performance improvements to BAL functions (Balance Sheet). Fixed: Budget Upload - Uploading to wrong period when an adjustment period is defined in the same financial year. v 4.7.6710 - 16 May 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.7.6708 - 14 May 2018 NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: TLS Handshake Failure on Activation. v 4.7.6694 - 30 April 2018 Fixed: Lock/unlock of filtered cells. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.7.6689 - 25 April 2018 Fixed: Lock/unlock of hidden cells. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.7.6684 - 20 April 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.7.6656 - 23 March 2018 Fixed: Double clicking activate causes error. Fixed: Switching worksheets can lock up Excel. Fixed: Lists refreshing (which can be slow) when updating list options. Lists must now be Refreshed separately. Fixed: List doesn't refresh correctly when referencing a range of cells and where the first cell in the range is blank. Fixed: Functions failing when account names contain apostrophes. Fixed: Timeouts when using multiple connections. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.7.6626 - 21 February 2018 Fixed: Long automation text not showing correctly in Email tab when running Automation Fixed: Lists not refreshing correctly when referencing ranges. Fails to correctly detect dependant cells. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.7.6613 - 8 February 2018 Fixed: Embedded Solution 7 forumlas in a table very slow / hangs Excel. Fixed: Overflow exception thrown when using two wild cards in a parameter for a list. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Upload budgets where the total is 0. Fixed: Drill Compare failing on NSGLABAL. Added: Drill Compare to non-OneWorld. v 4.7.6586 - 12 January 2018 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.7.6564 - 21 December 2017 Fixed: Solution 7 tab not appearing in Excel after installation. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.7.6558 - 15 December 2017 Fixed: OutOfMemory Exception when locking very large worksheets. Fixed: 'Save as Sheets' fails during automation. Fixed: Lookup functions return empty string if no values returned, causing #VALUE in host function. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.6.6411 - 21 July 2017 Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.6.6341 - 12 May 2017 Fixed: Allow whitespaces in the account number. Fixed: Formatting when refreshing a list. Updated: General bug fixes. v 4.6.6319 - 20 April 2017 Added: Count of locked/ unlocked cells. Fixed: Trim white spaces from parameters in the configuration settings. Fixed: Pop-up list updating/ selecting item in list so alignment is not reset. Fixed: Drilldown parameters to show in sub-menu. Fixed: UI issues in the configuration window. Updated: Ribbon labels. Updated: Diagnostics window. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: Support for statistical accounts in Transaction Detail Pivot. Fixed: Default Proxy for NetSuite. Removed: NetSuite v6 provider settings. v 4.6.6289 - 21 March 2017 Added: Max record count as a configuration option. Added: Clear cache option on automation. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Updated: NSGLxBAL / NSGLxBUD speed improvements on large balance sheet calculations v 4.6.6278 Fixed: NetSuite certificate not found when installed on a 32 bit operating system. Updated: Efficiency improvements. Updated: General bug fixes. NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSGLABAL.DATE.BETA function. Added: Drill Downs for NSGLABAL.DATE.BETA function. v 4.6.6243 Added: SmartView will automatically detect proxy server settings where required and possible (for webservices and https connections) Added: New column aggregate "Summary", like Group but automatically collapses rows. v 4.6.6198 Fixed: Filter columns for lists and pivots not working v 4.6.6194 Fixed: Lookup dialog crashing while filtering, and being unable to exit lookup dialog until it has loaded all values Fixed: Function drill down treating empty cells differently from empty values Fixed: Multiple issues for function parameters that can take array of values (not updating or not being passed to server correctly) Fixed: Drill compare (for NetSuite BETA Functions) Fixed: Error inserting a pivot table user switches to a different workbook while it is inserting v 4.6.6164 Fixed: Better error handling for automation, if it does fail the temporary workbook it creates is closed Fixed: Issues with formula columns Removed premature validation from automation, added "apply" button to save settings without running automation PSF Version ----------- Fixes for PSF version 6 v 4.6.6100 Fixed: chart labels not working in 64 bit Excel Fixed: In automation, email settings are validated before starting (where possible) rather than failing at the end of the process Netsuite Version ---------------- Fixed: License tracking bundle in NetSuite (was showing logged out users as "crashed") Transaction / Budget Drill-down columns changed to consistent order of Class / Department /Location v 4.6.6096 Fixed: Editing a list from the List & Pivot manager causes Excel not to close or to crash on close Fixed: Resized Pivot Table columns being set back to original size on refresh Fixed: Large spreadsheets slow to recalculate when some function parameters are invalid Fixed: Lookup function that returns arrays failing when being refreshed on the same spreadsheet as lists Fixed: Non-realtime functions not running (did not affect NetSuite users) Numerous stability improvements Netsuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSXRATES not pulling rates for non-calendar fiscal years v 4.6.6073 Fixed: Excel not closing cleanly after SmartView fails license server check Fixed: Renamed Pivot Table fields revert to their original name on refresh Netsuite Version ---------------- Improved balance reporting performance v 4.6.6061 Fixed: Formula columns were not working unless they referenced other columns v 4.6.6011 Fixed: DrillDown fails when function references cell range (sheet reference wrapped in quotes) Fixed: Excel Crashing on close after using list and table manager Fixed: Excel Crashing on close after inserting a pivot Fixed: Excel crashing when refreshing sheet or list or suppressing range (serious TimeOut Exception) Fixed: Automation not dropping formulas on all sheets Fixed: "VeryHidden" sheets breaking automation Changed: Hard-coded limit of 65536 rows returned for lists and drilldowns is now a setting in Insight.Windows.Xll.Config Added: Add-In manager can detect if Excel is running and gives the option to end process (in case Excel is hanging) Added: User settings are now saved in roaming profile (does not affect users that do not use roaming profiles) NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Standard NSGLABAL.BETA detail drill down v 4.6.5977 Added: Efficency improvements NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: NSGLABAL.BETA - Applies Currency Conversion to Statistical Accounts v 4.6.5976 Fixed: Lock/unlock not working in all cases Fixed: Send Email automation not working v 4.6.5963 Fixed: Automation not remembering settings (email and drop/lock/keep formulas) - settings are now saved with spreadsheet v 4.6.5960 Fixed: Lock/unlock not working in all cases v 4.6.5956 Fixed: Lock/unlock formulas not working for ranges of cells Fixed: Lock/unlock not working in all cases Fixed: Drilldown not working when there are multiple SmartView functions in a cell Added: Drop Formulas option to automation (had previously been removed) Fixed: Choose Columns screen blank if loaded quickly after activating SmartView Fixed: Choosing an invalid connection number shows "NullReferenceException" error Fixed: Changing the name of a formula column in a detail pivot causes formatting problems NetSuite Version ---------------- Changed: NSGLABAL.BETA Signature Added: NSGLABUD.BETA for standard (non-OneWorld) adapter Added: NSGLABAL.BETA - Applies Currency Conversion to Statistical Accounts v 4.6.5954 Fixed: Lock formulas removing lists Fixed: Improved updating of formulas adjacent to lists Fixed: Budget Upload appears to hang if subsidiary is invalid Fixed: SmartView Lookup button disparaging from Excel Function Arguments v 4.6.5942 Fixed: Budget Upload List not working and no items being uploaded Fixed: Budget Upload crashing on certain spreadsheets Fixed: Budget Upload giving "Value cannot be more than total" error on certain spreadsheets Fixed: Excel Crashing on close or process hanging (multiple causes) Fixed: Formula columns not supporting dates Fixed: Setting adapter paths to be relative NetSuite Version ---------------- Added: NSGLABUD.BETA & Consolidated NSGLABAL.BETA Fixed: Issue with Period Lookups when there are multiple fiscal calendars v 4.6.5927 Fixed: Automation null reference exception when any of the sheets to automate don't contain any formulas Fixed: Automation not working on computers with no accessible printer Fixed: Automation very slow when not dropping formulas Fixed: Automation very slow when suppressing ranges Fixed: Automation - When #VALUE errors occur, error number displayed instead Added: Budget Upload Improvements Fixed: Budget names not hidden Fixed: Netsuite Budget Upload - Error values being uploaded as numbers Added: NetSuite Webservices Timeout so that is can be changed independantly of main timeout Fixed: BudgetUpload - Selecting columns containing merged cells causing Excel to Lock up Added: Improvements to Configuration screens Added: Ability to allow adapter paths to be relative or absolute. Fixed: Incorrect range when selecting merged cells in List Arguments Fixed: Error refreshing pivot tables when multiple sheets selected Fixed: Random Freezing/Lockup bug(s) Fixed: Excel weirdness when inserting a drill down or automation sheet (any programmatic insertion of a sheet) Added: Support for Office 2016 Fixed: Excel Argument Dialog - Lookup button mis-aligned Fixed: Drop formulas not working when sheet contains hidden cells Fixed: Problems caused by cartesians in lists with virtual tables Fixed: When inserting and selecting text from a popup, always force the number format back to text and single quote the value Fixed: Adding lots of array items in list argument misses values on refresh Fixed: Inserting a row list the first column is always narrower Added: Formula column in Choose Columns Fixed: Horizontal Lists not filling down formulas correctly Added: Pop-up lists to be inserted into multiple cells at once Fixed: Error inserting list of Periods into a cell containing a period string (eg 'Jan 2015) Added: Query Snippets Added: Ability to undrop previously dropped formulas Fixed: Installer is not enabling the smart view add in correctly at install Added: Improve memory management and resolve memory problems Added: Zero Suppression - Supports for multiple ranges; removing the need for "Avoid cells" Fixed: Suppression gives error if no supression range defined NetSuite Version ---------------- Fixed: Drilldown issue on NSGLTBAL & NSGLTBUD Added: Subsidiary to BAL / BUD drilldown Added: "Build Model" (Developer Tools)tool to assist with customisations v 4.5.5708 NetSuite Version ---------------- Added support for multiple fiscal calendars Automation Fixes ---------------- Fixed automation not updating lists correctly if they are based on cells that are not the cells to automate v 4.5.5674 Increased limit of number of function parameters to 20 Fixed focus issue with lookup dialog from function wizard Automation now supports saving output workbooks as pdfs Fixed issue with automation not copying macros to output workbooks and defaulting output workbooks to .xlsx even when the source is .xlsm Fixed issue with drop formulas converting values to numbers and losing leading zeros (also applies to automation) v 4.5.5570 Fixed bug where opening large spreadsheets with data validation caused Excel to crash v 4.6.5564 Changing the configuration file in the configuration dialog gives options to change for current user only or for all users. Fixed memory leaks. Fixed display of lookup button in function dialog on non standard resolutions. v 4.5.5561 PSF Version ----------- Amended drill-down list to use DAF Description instead of D_DETAIL Description where available Amended drill-down to include document "Attachment" v 4.5.5555 Added unexpected error handler and error reporting Improved memory management Fixed error loading SmartView when using custom date formats for Windows date formats Automation Fixes ---------------- Fixed bug where two email addresses which differ only by case were not detected as being the same Fixed bug where email addresses where the domain (after the @) was not considered valid if it was upper case Fixed bug where sending a file of the same name to two different email addresses failed with a "file not found" error message Fixed list and pivot table updating v 4.5.5527 Fixed activation when bundle not installed Automation Changes ------------------ Speed improvements "Drop Formulas" option now also drops SmartView lists v 4.5.5512 Changed "fill down formulas" to apply after all lists are updated, in case the formula(s) adjacent to one list rely on another Automation Changes ------------------ Added option to update lists and pivot tables when performing automation Fixed bug where lists or formulas referencing sheets in the workbook not included in the result were not being updated correctly Some speed improvements V 4.6.5456 Fixed bug where SmartView formulas were being left behind after a list was removed Preliminary support for multiple languages NetSuite Version ---------------- Changed NSGLTRAN* (Beta) function to add separate parameters for Customer, Vendor, Project, Item that were previously in Entity. Added Projects List in Standard edition (already existed in OneWorld edition). Added Vendors List. Added Items List. * Please note that Beta functions may be altered or removed without prior notice. If you find these functions useful then let us know so that we can fully incorporate them. V 4.5.? Fix automation so that formulas and lists in the sheets to be automated can now reference other sheets without issue. Dream Version ------------- Fix double-drilldown issue when drilling down from DRMInBAL functions. V 4.5.5458 NetSuite Version ---------------- Added "Hierarchy Level" to Data Model (column selector) for the following: - Accounting Periods; Accounts; Classes; Customers; Departments; Items; Locations; Subsidiaries; PSF Version ----------- Added DocType and DocNo to Data Model (column selector) for Documents V 4.5.5429 Allow grouping and aggregation for detail pivots Automation fixes/improvment - conditional formatting is now supported Rename Pivot Table / Tabular Pivot on Ribbon to Summary / Detail Added Detail Pivot Grouping NetSuite Version ---------------- Improve System Configuration settings for use with SuiteConnect ODBC v7 Drivers V 4.4.5395 PSF Version ----------- Budget transactions filtered out of 'Documnet Details' list (Pivot Tables) In 'Choose Columns', additional 'Document Details (Extended)' section added to 'More info...' 'Remove Pivot Table...' with 'Clear cells' unchecked converts Pivot table to plain cells V 4.4.5385 NetSuite Budget Upload ----------- Fixed uploading to NetSuite accounts without mulitple budgets enabled V 4.4.5381 Fixed not allowing DataModel extensions PSF Version ----------- Added Create DAF SP to PSF6 Extensions Added DataType="Number" to D_DETAILS value fields V 4.4.5374 Changed file permission checks on automation Removed VSTO dependancy from installer V 4.4.5343 Dream Version ------------- Added 64bit Excel Support V 4.4.5340 PSF Version ----------- Added Budget parameter to PSFx3BUD V 4.4.5332 NetSuite Budget Upload ---------------------- Fixed uploading to NetSuite accounts without mulitple budgets enabled V 4.4.5311 Fixed array parameter bugs NetSuite Version ---------------- Enable missing array parameters for List of Accounts V 4.4.5304 NetSuite Version ---------------- Added Customer List (Standard) Added Project List (Standard) NetSuite Budget Upload ---------------------- Added support for uploading budgets by Customer Added support for multiple column headers Fixed issues with selecting merged cells UI improvements V 4.4.5296 Fixed incorrect dropping of formulas in automation V 4.4.5290 Fixed unhandled exception in automation caused by copying worksheets between workbooks NetSuite Budget Upload ---------------------- Added support for multiple row headers Added support for non-contiguous ranges Fixed stability issues from BETA V 4.4.5234 (Beta) Native 64-bit Excel support Multi-function drill down Automation bug fixes NetSuite Version ---------------- Added Budget Import (BETA) Fixed Budget Import preventing import to local budget categories NSGLxBAL improved calculation speed NSGLxTRAN improved calculation speed V 4.3 Updating lists bug fixes Automation bug fixes Zero Suppression bug fixes Office 365 / Click-to-run compatibility fixes Automation copy sheet per automation row / single PSF Version ----------- Added PSFx1BAL, PSFx2BAL, PSFx3BAL functions Deprecated foreign currency functions Shifted calculations from BALANCE to TRANSACTION tables V 4.2 Added asynchronous function calculation Move long running processes to background threads Bug fixes resulting from background threading